Collaboration Words - Wall Art and Stickers
Now at my shop on Redbubble, the revised collaboration words poster design. It's available on canvas, wood, poster paper, and a few other goods.
Feedback I Heard
In addition to a few folks sharing encouragment to publish products with this design I heard some concern about how I shared the design.
The work in progress post I shared mentioned there was a word missing yet I never mentioned what word. I heard from a reader who would have preferred I mentioned the word instead of being coy.
The word was include, which is a critical part of many kinds of collaborations and creative processes. Include your audience, your team, your whole self.
I added a few more words too. Some were from the original pencil sketch and others occurred to me as I was making the update. Note to future self, a sentence or few on each of these words would be a useful exploration about why and how each of them belong on this list.
One of the collaboration words belongs so much it's in the design twice.
I did the playful coy thing again. Instead of waiting for feedback on that, I'll put the answer in an HTML comment. View source for the answer.