Journaling About Creativity, Design, and Collaboration: 4. Build to Trust

Continuing this series, where I share one page and transcription of a handwritten journal entry.

Here in page 4 I take a visual handwritten map and instead of turning it into a new diagram I interpreted it as two lists.

Build to Trust

Page 4

Page 4

Understanding, composure,

Connect you and others in

a web of trust within a

bubble of awareness.

We need to trust so many things to create.


  • Mind thoughts
  • Senses data
  • Skills
  • Will to act
  • Safe conditions within which to act
  • Purpose
  • Tools and raw resources


  • Individual people
  • Groups of people, teams
    • Organizations
  • Shared Purpose

Making begins

by trusting at

least one thing enough

to act.

Acting through trust builds trust.


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Journaling About Creativity, Design, and Collaboration: 3. Lost and Found Mental Models