A Bunch of Encouraging Thoughts

I chose to capture these thoughts on my dry erase board. This is one of my favorite tools and best craigslist purchases ever.

I chose to capture these thoughts on my dry erase board. This is one of my favorite tools and best craigslist purchases ever.

A few weeks ago, I was trying a practice to brainstorm encouraging things. The mechanics of it were simple enough. Write down as many phrases I find encouraging before my two minute timer stops.

Encouragement Practice Transcribed

Here are the phrases that came out of my marker during those four different practice sessions.

First 2 minute session of encouraging ideas brainstorm:

  • I know you got this.
  • Let your natural self be and you are enough.
  • The spirit and passion in you will take you far.
  • It's OK to be stuck, keep moving.

Session 2 of encouraging ideas

  • You're a speck of infinite amazing possibility in this big universe.
  • You are valid and reasonable to feel as you do.
  • Keep going gently and new possibilities will emerge.
  • Up for a challenge? What if you looked at this roadblock as challengeable?

Session 3

  • I love your voice and choices.
  • Caring about others openheartedly will lead to being more healthy.
  • It's in you. Be you.
  • Reach for insight, questions lead to somewhere worthwhile.
  • It's OK for it to be tough and feel stuck. Notice this.
  • I know you have it in you.
  • You are strong, sensitive, and seek to serve which nourishes those around you and yourself.

Session 4, final session

  • You are part of the infinite universe of now, then, and always.
  • Every moment is through this one. Do, move, you will go.
  • It's movement and connection that matter most.
  • Love and energy grow when you love and share your energy.
  • Keep a sense of curious care and concern. It's OK to step back.

Even two minutes start to add up.

After a year of working on the 2 Minute Practice podcast, and doing those practices I have a growing collection of small experiments. Every episode we look back at what we practiced, then pick a new thing to practice.

My practices and Jerzy Drozd's practices are all chronicled in the ongoing series. We journal there but don't typically share the output of our individual practices. Sharing artifacts and thoughts here might be useful. Some of the practices are ephemeral though many have visuals and journals come of it.

Seems worth sharing to me.


Thinking About the Practice of Practicing + 2 Minute Audio Timer


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