A Little Less of This, More of Other Things

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A little over a week ago I mentioned I'm changing my goal for blogging this year. As of now, this post is number 100. 100 posts in 100 days. Now I'm changing to weekly posts with the option to post a bit more as works and feels right.

To recap: I've learned the ability to pick a topic, write until I've got about 500 to 700 words to edit. Even if it's a topic I have hangups about, I can do that kind of writing now. Will I stay in practice doing this fewer times per week? I think I will, but only doing the work over time will show if that's how it'll go.

Wednesdays Sound Good?

I need to pick my official day for you to expect a new post. Let's go with Wednesdays. I'll do my best to get a post out by Noon on Wednesdays but at the worst, before I go to bed.

So now there's going to be fewer posts. What will there be more of?

Creative work and supporting creaive projects with marketing.

I'm planning on more daily progress on games and workshops. Also a few more social posts and experiments. Maybe I'll give TikTok a try.


I need that space to read more too, looking forward to digging into new books on my pile, books I've started and not finished, and a few rereads.


I'm not proud to say I've taken very few days off in the last 100. The only thing that works for me in that is I've been working on my professional projects in a very time shifted flexible way that lets me focus on my family. I've been doing fairly OK with workouts 4 days a week. But I could do a lot better with that and with taking more weekends off. It's an arrangement I wouldn't allow 100 days of an employer or client demanding it, but because it's my products and has been able to fit with my family I've made it work.

A dialog between my desire to stick with a thing and to adapt.

Creative challenges help focus me and remind me I have choices and skills to adapt to find a way to the finish line. I know after doing 100 days I could do all 365. Could do and will do are different things. The separation between the two means options. Choice. Strategy. Hopefully wisdom.

I'm curious to see what the total will be at the end of the year. Thanks for going on this adventure with me.

Creative Challenges

If you're thinking of starting your own creative challenge for yourself, joining a community event, or starting one, my workshop Customizing Your Next Creative Challenge is for you. Purchase a copy for yourself, a friend, or your whole team. If you're facing problems in this year of other challenges in matters of justice, dealing with toxic masculinity, or financial tough times I do offer scholarships. Send me email via the comments form if that's your situation.