Quake 2 Map I Designed Quite Some Time Ago: The Reservoir
A few months after I saw the first Matrix movie in the theater I was dabbling with making game mods and levels for Quake 2. As to why I mention the Matrix: in my old work in progress files I have a few sketches and unfinished level maps where I was trying to evoke the look of the big blank room where shelves of weapons slid into place around the main characters. After that I worked on a different level concept based on a small deserted feeling Western town which was also movie inspired. Both were very rough work in progress.
If I wouldn't have found a sketch with a date scribbled on it, I'd have thought I made The Reservoir after those attempts, because I actually completed a full draft of that map. Memory does like to make the narrative fit and it feels like it'd be right. It would be a progression of attempts that led to learning which helped me make The Reservoir. But in reality I made Reservoir first.
The Reservoir
The concept for The Reservoir is a space water resource mining station and for some reason people need to battle. I play tested The Reservoir at LAN parties. For a small group it worked well: two to three players.
Certainly not a story driven concept, which might be why my next level map ideas had more narrative around the theme and scenario.
With The Reservoir level map I reused textures built-in to Quake 2. It gave the level a strong visual foundation based on the refined color palette and style of textures that looked great together from the start.
I built the map using QuArK: Quake Army Knife, which I recently learned is still around. I was able to load, edit, and re-export the map. One problem though, my new export is missing all the textures which I think means I need to configure the proper file path settings in QuArk.
Good thing for this gallery I have my original set of screen captures from testing the map. Here's the photo gallery and a link to The Reservoir level map if you'd like to explore it in Quake 2 or QuArk.