Polytechnicast - Teaching Interactive Design and Word Turtle Island Arcade Machine

episode title as a banner with the polytechnicast logo and a mindmap in the background

Sharing some work in progress and what led me to this point - getting back into teaching interactive design and how I've begun making a physical arcade machine for my game Word Turtle Island. In a nutshell I have a few months of ambitious work and this is my planning and thinking about it all.


  • Starts with how I focused on making WTI for 2.5 years, summary of why and how that came about.
  • Learning from 6 months of further iteration, marketing, and being published as an early access game.
  • Big take away is: thankful for the time to learn enough to make enough to discover the strong version of WTI, wishing that space for other folks and projects.
  • Current situation:
    • improving the instant visual/story/promise of WTI via
    • feeling the urge to teach again
    • feeling my overall social connections are too small of a bubble both online and in person
    • inspired by projects like Springboard for the Arts' Rural Urban Solidarity
  • Then the ambitious plan: a combination of projects to grow my online and in person connections, teach interactive design with an advocacy focus, and increase sales of my games and teaching. In short: make games and teach interactive design. More specific:
    • WTI Arcade Machine + Regional touring show/tell this game and teaching indie game creating
    • Build WTI to full 1.0
    • Teach interactive design for free on TikTok and soon also YouTube
    • Publish new paid classes, starting with Paper Prototyping for Interactive Design

Know of any places and people to connect with who'd like a visit from me on my Word Turtle Island Indie Game Dev Tour? Send me a message!

Related Links and Resources

Games and Classes Rob offers and Ways to Support What I Make

Rob Stenzinger