December Recap
Even though the comic is down to one episode per week lately, December of 2009 has been quite the busy month for Art Geek Zoo.
Lots of site upates: There's a new About page that shares more about me, why I do the comic, inspirations for the comic, and a brief introduction to the world and story of Art Geek Zoo. I've also published a new Characters page that will be an ongoing, growing guide to the people and places of Art Geek Zoo. Finally, I've made many small updates to the software I use to run the site. The feed of comics/posts should be showing images again, the site should be getting faster, and it's definitely getting easier to update the site with the authoring features I've been adding. Also worth noting: I'm going to be publishing the source code in the near-ish future once I feel it's complete-enough to be useful to others. Stay tuned for that.
And the biggest change is behind the scenes, I'm beyond happy and proud to announce the arrival of my daughter: Kaia.
I hope you all have had a great December and wonderful holiday season!