More Drawings Drawn With the Rectangle Shape Tool

a collage of individual sketches all drawn with rectangle outlines - in the distance are buildings foreground are two rabbits and myself

Here's another entry in what seems to be a series of rectangle based art posts. Maybe it's a redirected urge to draw with an Etch-a-Sketch. Could be the rectangles remind me of pixel art.

It's a style I like to visit that feels like a playful craft with a drawing feel totally different than my other visual art styles.

All it takes is a rough idea to draw and an app with a rectangle tool. I've thought about using physical media but so far I've been using digital tools. So far my favorite rectangle sketching tool is Squid, an Android note taking app. InkPad on iOS and Affinity Designer work great too.

I made a few trees, buildings, more rabbits, a frog, and for the first time made a rectangle self portrait avatar. Wonder what it would be like to draw from reference using this technique.


Visual compositions and color blocking reference sketch guide for 4 kinds of subjects


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